10:00AM Mountain Standard Time

Members present: Allison Baker, Ben Johnson, Brad Klotz, Ryan Sobash, Kevin Pham, Kelley Barsanti, Peter Lawrence

Meeting Protocols and Attendance

NSA-EC had a brief discussion about whether to start recording meetings for absentee members, or whether we want to continue with notes format. This discussion will be resumed when we have a quorum for voting. Also discussed was reminding members of the 2024 meeting schedule, encouraging attendance, and use of RSVP so agendas can be developed accordingly.

New Member Introduction

Ryan Sobash joins the NSA-EC as the new representative from MMM. Thank you to Peter Sullivan and Gretchen Mullendore for completing the selection process.

Action Item Updates

1. NSA-EC has one CGD vacancy. Peter Lawrence (GCD) has initiated efforts to fill that vacancy.

Efforts to fill the chair position will proceed when the CGD vacancy is filled. NSA-EC will also resume discussion of FTE support for the chair position.

2. Funding for NSA Scientists’ Meeting

NSA-EC discussed hosting a scientists’ meeting, including requesting funds from the directorate. There was some discussion about the level of support for such a meeting and logistics. It was determined that based on prior meetings, there was general support for a meeting, but logistics still needed to be discussed. In the meantime, the NSA-EC has drafted a letter to request funds from the directorate. The costs in the letter are being updated to include costs for a reception following the one-day event. Once the letter is updated, it will be sent to NSA-EC representatives for review and then on to the directorate.